Urban & Wilderness Vision Quest
People in indigenous societies have always undertaken vision quests. They can either be part of puberty rites to help a young person find their place in society or undertaken by adults who need transformation and clarity on personal or spiritual issues. Especially as we rediscover the natural world, more and more modern people are appreciating the utility of this ancient practice. Although vision quests can indeed help resolve something on the intellectual level, they are mainly done to confront deeper issues which have limited the seeker’s happiness and fulfillment. Sometimes this involves finding and bonding with a specific inner spiritual power, or guide. In that case, initiation of some kind occurs on its own during the time interval involved. For the best results, vision quests should be pursued with an appropriate sense of the sacred and ritual boundaries. They are usually done under the guidance of a shaman, mental health professional or some other teacher or elder, especially if a young people are involved, or if the seeker’s psychological obstacles are severe. PRIVATION Two basic variables are employed in vision quests. The first is privation—doing without the supportive circumstances of ordinary life. The basic ones are 1) work activities, 2) leisure activities (including the ability to move around), 3) food, 4) water, and 5) sleep. The Power Spot. Most modern vision quests only eliminate the first three of these. You go to a quiet, undistracted place in order to be only with yourself—no books, wristwatches, electronic devices, or anything. For domestic or for shorter wilderness vision quests, you stay in that place—a circle perhaps 10 feet in diameter—since walking around would provide distraction. (In order to relieve one’s self, a specific place is agreed upon for that purpose ahead of time, perhaps 100 feet away.) Fasting. All religious and mystical traditions practice food and sometimes water deprivation on certain occasions. Partially because digestion itself requires energy, after the first six or seven hours, hunger pangs fade and most people experience an unusual, subtle clarity which is conducive to prayer and introspection. This is what distinguishes a vision quest from simply “time alone,” and invites the spiritual element. Most people can perform a three- or four-day food fast without difficulty or health problems. No Distractions. Sometimes people let themselves have notebooks for journaling, but they often end up doodling, writing poetry, etc. In that case, the notebook becomes yet another way of not really having to be with yourself! If the seeker desires to write, play a musical instrument or what have you, that is not a vision quest in the original sense, but rather a retreat for artistic purposes. Practically speaking, there are two levels of vision quest privation. The first would be not letting yourself have anything, as above. The second, for longer vision quests, typically involves the ability to at least move around, if not also have a journal and maybe small amounts of food. In wilderness environments, the “walkabout” both relieves tension and sometimes provides the setting for powerful experiences. Spiritual Connection. Classically, the place you go to do a vision quest is in nature somewhere, not only because you everyday distractions would be gone, but also to more easily connect with a deeper sense of meaning and spirituality. The resulting experience tends to be more profound, having nothing necessarily to do (although it usually does) with the person’s cultural background, but everything to do with the uniqueness of that individual, with his or her specific path through life. PATIENCE The second variable is patience. Vision quests are done for extended periods of time. This is so that the seeker’s normal psychological routines and defenses (worries, daydreams, practical problems, etc.) can exhaust themselves. As a result, sustained self-inquiry begins takes place at deeper levels. As the hours drag on and your mental routines drop away, new insights invariably occur, concerning the more meaningful problems and dilemmas of your life. Intentional Discomforts, Surrender and Faith. A person in reasonably good health may choose to impose further privations on themselves, and for more extended periods. Not having tarps or cushions to sit on, being willing to endure rain if nature decides to bring it, avoiding as much sleep as possible by trying not to lie down—all these are examples of options one might consider. Again, this is done to further weaken physical and psychological defenses so that a “breakthrough” from within might occur. Especially important to these added elements of discomfort is an attitude of openness and acceptance: surrender to whatever God/Fate/Destiny decrees that the seeker should experience. (Going even further, physical trials might be added on to force the seeker to find internal resources he or she did not know were there. This is still done during puberty rites in some indigenous societies. Subjects might have to carry something, swim for a distance, run a gauntlet of spearpoints, or something similar. Naturally, this always involves supervision and oversight by a number of teachers or elders who are present at the time.) Demons and Safety. For most people, being “all alone with my mind” for a long time is challenging only in the context of boredom. For some however, frightening thoughts and images may present themselves, to the point where personal safety demands that isolation be terminated. Should this be the case, a mechanism is always provided for the seeker to contact supportive personnel standing by.
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--WHAT IS IT? Lucid dreaming occurs when we are aware that we are dreaming, instead of experiencing dreams involuntarily, like we usually do. (There are different degrees of awareness we can have in dreams, so there’s no exact cut-off point between lucid and non-lucid (ordinary) dreaming.) --WHAT VALUE DOES IT HAVE? Various authors and ongoing research in lucid dreaming describe a significant range of therapeutic and healing benefits associated with this practice, obviously enhancing our spiritualities. All personal issues can be worked out in lucid dreaming. It is often fun, and the exposure it gives us to higher realities and divinity, and all the things you can do, see and feel in those realms, can be educational in the profoundest sense of the word. As of this writing, interest in lucid dreaming is exploding, and it is not just a fad. Many think that a worldwide spiritual awakening is taking place, and that lucid dreaming will be a primary venue of practice which millions of people will eventually utilize to get closer to and merge with God/Self. --CAN I VISIT DECEASED RELATIVES, SEE EXTRATERRESTRIALS, AND HAVE SEX WITH ANOONE I WANT IN LUCID DREAMS? If you attitude, understanding, personal issues, and dream karma line up, then yes, you can do all that stuff. Those things will never always happen exactly like you want them to, however, because being aware, and trying to do the things you want to do in the dream worlds, does not prevent those dream worlds from carrying out their primary function: helping you grow up and unfold towards enlightenment. At the pace you need, you will be presented with things in your lucid dreams that you have to overcome and adjust to. What seems to always happen, in fact, is that at some point, lucid dreamers start getting guidance from teachers that they meet in their dreams. --IS IT EASY TO LEARN? In general, no—although most everyone can to some extent. I am convinced that the amount and depth of lucid dreaming a person does is determined primarily by inborn spiritual aptitude, and secondarily by level of interest and efforts to do it. We all have “inborn spiritual aptitudes” of one kind or another. Most people work out their spiritually-related issues in daily life. Although it usually happens on its own, there are various induction techniques you can do to increase the likelihood that it will occur. In my experience, most people who are into lucid dreaming first encountered it spontaneously—one day, it just started happening by itself, as part of their dream life. In order to start a lucid dreaming session (bedtime routine), there are various induction techniques you can perform, roughly similar to different types of meditation. --HOW CAN I GET LUCID DREAMING TO HAPPEN TO ME, AND HOW CAN I ENHANCE THE DREAMS I’M HAVING NOW? The consensus on this question from accomplished lucid dreamers is that it’s mostly a matter of interest and attitude concerning your more general spirituality. Many people already qualify in this regard without realizing it. I think you would have to accept the ideas that 1) enlightenment exists, 2) that the spiritual path consists of increasing levels of awareness, 3) that practices like meditation and yoga help with that goal, and also 4) that your dreams are worthy of serious study. If you follow through with those things, -plus induction techniques, if you want- your dream life will likely be enriched. --HOW CAN YOU HELP WITH MY LUCID DREAMING? We would work together to get clarity on what your own understandings and goals are relating to your dreams and your spirituality, and how to increase your lucidity in dreams and in your daily life. This will involve a kind of action plan reguarding your overall spirituality, maybe some things in your daily life, and what you might try to do in the dream worlds. This usually involves working with at least some problems and issues in your waking life, because very often the dreams present (although symbolically) those issues in an almost-parallel way so you can discern how to resolve them.
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